Project Description

The project consists of 5 work packages

WP 1: Project management – Project’s financial management.
WP 2: Synthesis and characterization of micro extracting nano materials
WP 3:Redesign and improvement of the materials for the optimization of their extracting properties
WP 4: Final evaluation of the products
WP 5: Product promotion – Copyrights Protection

WP 1: Project management – Project’s financial management

This WP includes the project’s general managent, the efficient cooperation among the participants, the preparation and deposit of deliverables, as well as the overall financial management.

WP 2: Synthesis and characterization of micro extracting nanomaterials

In this WP the synthesis of the modified magnetic nano materials takes place. The synthesized materials will then be characterized with techniques like SEM, TEM, XRD, FTIR, TGA. This WP includes also the first pilot analyses for the materials’ implementability.

WP 3: Redesign and improvement of the materials for the optimization of their extracting properties

After the evaluation of the results of the last WP, the redesign and improvement of the materials will take place, in order to achieve the optimum properties for detecting the aimed bonds.

WP 4: Product promotion – Copyrights Protection

In this WP, the final evaluation of the products in real analytical conditions will take place. The results of the analytical measurements will be evaluated along with the repeatability between batches. Marketing of the product will be done by introducing the new material to potential users, along with questionnaires that will be answered. Analysis protocols will also be drafted for detecting the aimed bonds by using the suggested materials.

WP 5: Product promotion – Copyrights Protection

During this WP a market investigation will take place for the detection of the start market for the promotion of the products. The products will be promoted with presentations in scientific conferences and exhibitions and publications in scientific magazines.
For the promotion, pilot presentations in labs will take place, in research entities, universities, laboratories etc.
This WPs final goal will be the submission of files for the acquisition of patent rights, intending in the protection of copyrights.


cp FOODLAB LTD (www.

  • Chara Papastephanou
  • Dr Angelos Dados
  • Elena Kartsiouli
  • Dr Artemis Louppisς
  • Nomiki Kalikazarou


Professor Constantinos Stalikas

University of Ioannina